Together for equality and promoting gender culture

The ‘Ambassadors and Ambassadors for Equal Opportunities’ project and the new initiative ‘Young Academy for Gender Policies – Let’s Generate New Gender Culture’ will be presented on 21 June. The event will be held at 11 a.m. in the historical spaces of Palazzo Moriggia in Milan.

This innovative project has been realised by HR WoMen, a think tank dedicated to women’s empowerment and the promotion of gender equality, in collaboration with Human Hall, a hub of the University of Milan dealing with innovation, inclusion and the protection of rights. Partner of the initiative is also Manageritalia, with the patronage of the Court of Milan and the Municipality of Milan.

The event will be an important opportunity to deepen the contents and objectives of the project, which aims to raise awareness among the new generations on the issue of equal opportunities, promoting a fairer and more inclusive gender culture.

The following will speak to illustrate the initiative

Alessia Cappello, Councillor for Labour Policies of the Municipality of Milan
Vincenzo Scuotto, founder of HR WoMen
Fabio Roia, President of the Court of Milan
Marilisa D’Amico, Pro-Rector in charge of Legality, Transparency and Equal Rights at the State University of Milan
Maria Pia Abbracchio, Deputy Vice-Rector of the State University of Milan
Luisa Quarta, coordinator of the Women Managers Group of Manageritalia, who will also be the moderator of the proceedings.

During the presentation, certificates will be awarded to the first 15 female ambassadors of the new gender culture. These young people will be called upon to raise awareness among female and male high school students in Milan on the issue of equal opportunities, becoming spokespersons for a message of equality and inclusiveness.

Representatives of the three pillars of HR WoMen Think Tank, i.e. Personnel Management Associations, Institutions and Aiesec Alumni, will have the honour of handing over the certificates, emphasising the importance of collaboration between different sectors to achieve a common goal: a fairer and more equal society.