A dialogue with Vittorio Biondi on the Third General Meeting and the future prospects of the project

The Third General Meeting of MUSA highlighted the ongoing projects of researchers and researchers, creating significant moments of confrontation for the scientific community of MUSA. For this reason we interviewed Vittorio Biondi, General Director of MUSA, to ask him about the importance of this event and the immediate impact on the researchers involved in the project.

‘The MUSA meetings are important appointments that we hold once every six months, in rotation in the four universities promoting the project,’ explains Biondi. ‘They are significant occasions, first of all because they allow hundreds of young male and female researchers to meet, something that is not always possible in day-to-day activities, exchanging ideas and updates on their respective research programmes. It is also a crucial moment because it allows us to communicate with our interlocutors, partners, companies, local authorities, the Lombardy Region, third sector subjects and many other components of the ecosystem we are working for.’

So what is the future of MUSA? For Vittorio Biondi, ‘The issue of the future of projects funded by the PNRR has become absolutely topical. We have passed the halfway point of the project, so in the next year and a half we will have to not only consolidate the results obtained, but also imagine a future for this ecosystem. The extraordinary funding recognised by the Ministry of University and Research will end, so we will have to find a formula that, through public and private funding, will allow us to work on a phase 2 of MUSA projected towards the next few years. President Iannantuoni has been very clear in setting this as the next challenge,’ the Director General concludes.