Reducing emissions and facilitating research: how a new online platform is changing the way sustainable materials are selected

Camilla Carrara, researcher at Bocconi University in Milan, presented the project ‘An easy to access database for sustainable and circular textile & fashion ingredients‘ during the Third General Meeting of Musa. The initiative aims to reduce emissions and improve research systems in the textile and fashion industry.

“The idea of the database is to address the difficulty in finding credible and accessible information in this sector,” Carrara explains. “It will be an online platform where people can filter information to find sustainability solutions that best fit their strategy.”

The database will not use a hierarchical classification of information. “We do not want to judge the information, but catalogue it in a way that makes it easy to use. All sustainability data is verified through testing and certification. In addition, we have added a glossary to clarify the meaning of symbols on products, making their value more understandable to the end consumer,” she adds.

This tool is designed for people looking for materials, such as companies, brands and others who need to select sustainable materials. Students and researchers will also be able to access the database to obtain information in the field of sustainable textiles and fashion. “So far, we researchers have been proactively contacting companies, but the ultimate goal is to have an online platform where companies can enter their data themselves, thus increasing the volume and completeness of information,” Carrara continues.

The project has significant potential in terms of impact and replicability. “The selection and production of materials accounts for about 38 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions in the fashion industry. Providing information in this area could help solve part of the problem of fashion’s environmental impact,’ Carrara concludes.