Experts and professionals will discuss the application of the REACH regulation to promote environmentally friendly technologies in the fashion and luxury industry.

On 13 September, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., the conference “Reach&Textile: State of the Art in the Application of the REACH Regulation” will be held at the Aula Luisella Sironi of the University of Milano-Bicocca. The event is organised as a workshop within the activities of the Spoke 5 MUSA DESIGN project, in collaboration with AICTC (Italian Association of Textile Chemistry and Dyeing).

The conference will deal with issues related to the application of the REACH regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) in the textile industry sector. The aim is to promote a sustainable production model in the world of fashion and luxury goods, encouraging the adoption of the best available technologies for the protection of human health and the environment.

REACH is a European regulation that aims to ensure a high level of health and environmental protection through the control of chemicals. The importance of its application in the textile sector is obvious, given the influence of this sector and the environmental impact it can generate. The conference will provide an opportunity to discuss case studies and share knowledge, with the aim of steering companies towards more environmentally friendly and responsible production.

The conference will be an opportunity for experts, academics and industry professionals to exchange views, with the aim of promoting awareness and dissemination of eco-sustainable practices. Participation is free, after registering for the event at the following link: