“Photovoltaics, urban regeneration, and the development of new emerging technologies for the production of perovskite and kesterite-based cells: these are some of the areas of focus for MUSA’s advanced research, conducted by Spoke 1.

This is discussed in an interview conducted by the scientific publication QualEnergia.it, which also featured Professor Simona Binetti, Director of the MIB Solar Center at the University of Milano-Bicocca. The professor outlined two key initiatives: the creation of a research and testing laboratory for integrated photovoltaics and a project for the installation of photovoltaic canopies at Parco Nord in Milan.

Another branch of MUSA Spoke 1‘s research focuses on the efficiency of emerging technologies for the production of low-cost photovoltaic cells integrated into buildings. Materials science researcher Vanira Trifiletti, interviewed by the publication, shared the results achieved so far.

MUSA’s public-private collaboration model aims to facilitate dialogue between businesses and the research world, promoting knowledge transfer, which is the daily focus of Spoke 3‘s work.

To highlight the importance of this constant exchange, MUSA is working on the Bicocca Pavilion project. Professor Salvatore Torrisi, part of MUSA’s scientific coordination team, explains in the video how, through venture building methodology and the expertise of Cariplo Factory, the Bicocca Pavilion will develop open innovation projects and start-up creation based on market needs.

The Bicocca Pavilion will not only be a physical space but also a digital platform that will share projects and initiatives, creating a broad and dynamic virtual community.”