A joint research explores the challenges and opportunities of European TTOs, outlining a path of evolution for Italy, with the launch event scheduled for 25 September at the Politecnico di Milano.

Deloitte Officine Innovazione, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano, presented a new research paper entitled ‘The role and functioning of European Technology Transfer Offices, the current Italian model and its sustainable evolution’. The study aims to analyse in depth the role and impact of Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) in Europe, with a special focus on Italy.

The paper describes the current technology transfer practices and operating modes of European TTOs, highlighting the main challenges and opportunities in the sector. Through a detailed analysis of best practices, the paper offers critical insights on how to enhance the effectiveness of Italian TTO, fostering a smoother and more productive transition of knowledge and technologies from the academic to the industrial context. This work was developed in the context of the Musae project within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5).

The paper will be officially presented on 25 September 2024, from 16:00 to 18:30, at the Aula Magna of the Politecnico di Milano, in the historical setting of Città Studi. This event will provide a unique opportunity for industry experts, institutional representatives and researchers to exchange views and discuss the future prospects of TTOs in Italy.

The debate will focus on the need for a sustainable evolutionary model for Italian TTO, looking for innovative solutions to strengthen the role of these offices as a bridge between academia and manufacturing. The event will be a platform to stimulate new ideas and approaches, promoting greater collaboration between universities, industry and institutions. The presentation of this research represents a crucial step towards a greater awareness of the importance of TTO in Italy and Europe. With the support of the PNRR and the commitment of the institutions involved, the aim is to outline a sustainable strategy that can significantly improve the effectiveness of Italian TTO, thus fostering the development of new technologies and innovation in the country’s manufacturing landscape.

This is the programme of the event:

16:00 – 16:15 | Introductory greetings

16:15 – 16:35 | Presentation of paper contents

16:35 – 17:05 | First round table: The role and functioning of TTOs in Italy, strengths and weaknesses

17:05 – 17:15 | Success story of a Politecnico spinoff

17:15 – 17:45 | Second round table: The future of TTOs in Italy

17:45 – 18:00 | Conclusions

18:00 – 18:30 | Networking aperitif