Seven meetings between Rome and Milan to explore innovative solutions for more inclusive and welcoming cities with the presence of important authors, lecturers and experts. It starts with Richard Sennett on 9 September.

Among the novelties coming this autumn from MUSA is the collaboration with the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, which will take shape in the Human Spaces project. This series of meetings, scheduled between Rome and Milan, is curated by the Feltrinelli Foundation and MAXXI – Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo (National Museum of XXI Century Arts) with the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of the Milan Polytechnic and, of course, MUSA.

Human Spaces includes seven meetings with designers, activists and city-makers, key figures in urban transformation, who will explore cities as laboratories for experimentation. The aim is to find innovative solutions to meet the multiple needs of citizens, with particular attention to the challenges posed by digital innovation, artificial intelligence and identity pluralism. These events will offer ideas for rethinking urban spaces, stimulating debate on how streets, squares and public spaces can foster a sense of belonging and participation. One of the central questions of the cycle is whether it is possible to imagine more inclusive cities, welcoming diversity and breaking down discrimination, based on fluid and plural models.

The first meeting will be held on Monday 9 September at 7 p.m. at the Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli in Milan, with Richard Sennett, on the occasion of the Italian launch of his book The Stage Society. In the book, Sennett explores how arts and creativity can redefine boundaries and relationships in cities, offering new possibilities for coexistence and participation in public spaces. After the author’s speech, a dialogue will follow with Tommaso Sacchi, Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Milan, and Francesca Colombo, General and Cultural Director of the Biblioteca degli Alberi di Milano – Riccardo Catella Foundation. Admission to the event is free, but online booking is recommended. The meeting will also be streamed live on the Foundation’s Facebook page and home page.

The complete programme of Human Spaces events, which will run until 20 November, is available on the Fondazione Feltrinelli website.

In the cover photo Richard Sennett, author, literary critic and professor of Sociology at the London School of Economic