Creativity and innovative solutions for a more sustainable fashion and design, with a focus on circular economy and reducing environmental impact
Everything is ready for the second edition of Ideathon, the innovative format that combines creativity and sustainability. The event is aimed at the minds of Milanese universities, called to redefine the role of Milan in a global perspective of sustainability applied to the fashion and interior design sectors. Ideathon aims to transform Milan into the Capital of Sustainable and Circular Fashion and Design, leveraging its leading position in these areas.
The appointment is in the spaces of the Politecnico di Milano, Bovisa campus for the Kick-off on March 4th, followed by the round table on March 17th with experts from the design sector. The Ideathon day will be on March 22nd, while the final presentation is scheduled for April 2nd. The students selected to participate will be divided into multidisciplinary teams, to encourage the contamination of ideas and skills. Through workshops, brainstorming and presentations, participants will be able to propose innovative projects for a greener and more inclusive future.
This year the event is divided into two thematic paths:
- #RefashioningMilan: dedicated to fashion and coordinated by Bocconi University.
- #PlatformingEcoDesign: dedicated to how platform solutions can support citizens towards sustainable design, coordinated by the Politecnico di Milano.
A special focus on design includes intermediate meetings to create a common language regarding the theme of innovation, sustainability, design, and platform mechanisms. Experts from these sectors will bring, in a round table, challenges and objectives that citizens and businesses experience in approaching sustainable design.
In partnership with Paolo Stella and supported by the Municipality of Milan, the students will rethink how a platform solution can help citizens towards sustainable choices in the world of design. With a jury composed of representatives of MUSA Spoke 5, the Municipality of Milan, experts in the sector, and the project sponsor Paolo Stella will evaluate the projects and decree the winning team.