The challenge for young talents and startups to build the Smart Cities of the future
The new edition of the University Startup Challenge (USC25) is coming, an initiative that confirms the commitment of young Italians in promoting university entrepreneurship, aiming to bridge the gap between students and startup founders. This year, the central theme will be Smart Cities, an area of fundamental importance for the future of our cities.
Organized by the E-Club, this year, USC25 strengthens its offering thanks to the collaboration with MUSA and B4i – Bocconi for innovation, working with the universities of Politecnico, Bocconi, Statale, Bicocca, Liuc, Cattolica, and Padua. The Startup Challenge is the ideal stage to test yourself as young entrepreneurs. Students from various faculties and backgrounds can join multidisciplinary teams to create innovative solutions that address modern urban problems, thus contributing to the construction of smarter, more sustainable, and inclusive cities.
USC is more than just a competition: it is a starting point for building new opportunities. The goal is to stimulate entrepreneurship in Italian universities, bridging the gap between students and the world of startups. With 75% of young Italians ready to found a startup, but still hindered by practical difficulties and lack of resources, the initiative aims to be a concrete response to these problems. In fact, startups are a fundamental element for the growth and prosperity of a country. In Italy, although they represent 20% of employers, startups contribute to generating 50% of new jobs every year. However, our country is still lagging behind in adequately supporting young entrepreneurs. USC25 is part of this context to respond to this need and give students the tools necessary to realize their potential.
The initiative will be presented during the event “MUSA: Research and Development for the City of the Future” on March 20th and 21st at Assolombarda. To register for the University Startup Challenge 2025, you can visit the link