Two seminars co-organised with the Luca Coscioni Association to address legislative challenges and people's fundamental rights

Human Hall, the first scientific hub dedicated to social and technological innovation, will host two highly relevant events in collaboration with the Luca Coscioni Association. These seminars will provide a unique opportunity to explore crucial issues concerning the rights of people with very severe disabilities and end-of-life legislation.

As part of the MUSA project, Human Hall thus confirms itself as a space for dialogue and reflection on crucial issues for society, offering a platform for discussion between experts, activists and the public. Both events will be accessible both in person at the University of Milan and in streaming on the Luca Coscioni Association’s YouTube platform, allowing for broad participation by anyone wishing to contribute to the debate on these highly topical issues.

11 September 2024: ‘Disability and rights

The first meeting, scheduled for 11 September from 4 to 6.30 p.m., will address the issue of the rights of people with very severe disabilities. Organised by the research group led by Prof. Giuseppe Arconzo and the Luca Coscioni Association, the seminar will focus in particular on the application of accessibility legislation and the elimination of architectural barriers. They will also discuss issues related to the disbursement of funds for very severe disabilities, in light of recent legislative changes.

Among the speakers will be prominent personalities from the academic and legal worlds, including Prof. Marilisa D’Amico, Pro-Rector for Legality, Transparency and Protection of Rights at the University of Milan, lawyer Filomena Gallo, national secretary of the Luca Coscioni Association, prof. Vladimiro Zagrebelsky, former judge of the European Court of Human Rights, Prof. Andrea Pugiotto, professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Ferrara, Prof. Francesca Biondi, professor of Constitutional Law, and Prof. Benedetta Liberali, associate professor of Constitutional Law. Marco Cappato, treasurer of the Association, and several experts in constitutional law and activism for the rights of persons with disabilities will also contribute to the discussion.

13 September 2024: ‘End of life. Between the Constitutional Court and the legislature’.

The second seminar, to be held on 13 September from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., will be devoted to the topic of the end of life and the recent pronouncements of the Constitutional Court on aid to suicide. The discussion will be introduced by Prof. Marilisa D’Amico and will see the participation of authoritative jurists such as Prof. Nicolò Zanon, Vice President Emeritus of the Constitutional Court, Prof. Gaetano Silvestri, President Emeritus of the same Court, Prof. Giuseppe Arconzo, Professor of Constitutional Law and Delegate for Disabilities and DSA at the Università Statale di Milano. Speakers will include, among others, Rocco Berardo (coordinator of disability initiatives of the ALC), Stefano Bissaro (researcher in Constitutional Law at the Human Hall hub), Marcello Crivellini (professor and general counsel of the ALC), Alessandro Gerardi (lawyer and ALC general councillor), Lisa Noja (regional councillor of Lombardy), Barbara Peres (councillor of equality for the Metropolitan City of Milan), Gianfranco Scavuzzo (member of the ALC council) and Cristiana Zerosi (coordinator of the ALC cell in Milan).

The round table will focus on the current legal profiles and future prospects of end-of-life legislation, analysing the complex interaction between the Constitutional Court and legislature. Marco Cappato, known for his commitment in favour of freedom of choice on the end of life, will also participate in this meeting, bringing his testimony and the perspective of the Luca Coscioni Association.