The Space Economy workshop, part of the event “MUSA: Research and Development for the City of the Future”, brings together companies and universities to tackle the challenges of space telecommunications and foster an innovative and competitive ecosystem.

The satellite telecommunications sector is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by advancements in transmission technologies and the growing strategic importance of the Space Economy. Satellites and satellite constellations have become a key economic driver for the space industry, significantly contributing to the sector’s global economy.

One of the most revolutionary developments is the transition from radio waves to laser beams for data transmission. This innovation enables the management of significantly larger volumes of information while minimizing the risk of interference and intrusions. However, the challenge of signal degradation in satellite-to-Earth communications due to atmospheric conditions remains a critical issue, and research is strongly focused on addressing it.

In this context, the Space Economy workshop was conceived as one of the four events organized within MUSA: Research and Development for the City of the Future, scheduled for March 20-21. The event will feature leading companies in the field of optical space technologies and related sectors, aiming to pool highly specialized and complementary expertise to tackle global industry challenges.

Alongside the industrial sector, Milanese universities play a key role, acting as catalysts for MUSA’s ecosystem activities. Universities serve as strategic providers of the most valuable resource for technological advancement: human capital. Through the training of new highly qualified professionals and the creation of a network connecting research and industry, this initiative presents a unique opportunity to build a cohesive and competitive innovation system.

The collaboration between companies and academic institutions helps structure a value chain that enhances emerging skills and creates the conditions for a strong and innovative space industry. The transformation of space telecommunications represents a starting point for a new vision of the Italian industry—one capable of competing on an international scale and positioning itself among the key players in the future Space Economy.

Here you can find the programm:

14.30 Introduzione e inquadramento (Prof. P. Milani, UNIMI)
Presentazione dei progetti realizzati nell’ambito dell’Ecosistema MUSA-PNRR

14.40 Tecnologie ottiche avanzate per telecomunicazioni spazialiProf. Marco Potenza, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Milano

15.00 Progetto Politecnico
Prof.ssa Michèle Lavagna, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Aerospaziali, Politecnico di Milano

15.20 Progetto Bicocca
Prof. Mario Zannoni, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano Bicocca

15.40 Politiche per lo spazio e performance d’impresa
Prof. Lorenzo Zirulia, Dipartimento di Economia, Management e Metodi Quantitativi, Università degli Studi di Milano

16.10 Tavola rotonda con rappresentanti di imprese
OPTEC Optical & Optoelectronic System
Dr.Giuseppe Cilia
COSPAL Composites spa
Dr. Loris Rota Martir
Dr. Angelo Vallerani
Phi Drive srl
Dr. Nicola Lussorio Cau
A.D.S. International Srl
Dr. Daniele Gallieni
Tecnottica Consonni Srl
Dr. Alberto Fasoli
Optical Deposition Laboratory srl
Dr. Cesare Sabato
Obloo Ventures
Ing. Arianna Tibuzzi

17.30- Conclusioni (Prof. P. Milani, UNIMI)