Experts and institutions in Padua to discuss the future of the PNRR Innovation Ecosystems

On 24 July in the prestigious Sala dell’Archivio Antico at Palazzo del Bo, seat of the Rectorate of the University of Padua, the discussion event dedicated to the Innovation Ecosystems funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) took place. This occasion brought together various actors from the 11 Innovation Ecosystems set up at national level, with the aim of discussing results, impacts and future challenges.

The presentation conference was attended by representatives of Universities, Research Institutions, Institutions, Companies, Associations and citizens, all involved in the great project of building dialoguing communities at territorial level. These ecosystems represent one of the spearheads of the PNRR, with the intention of fostering innovation and collaboration between different sectors of society.

The main focus of the meeting was a joint reflection on the next challenges to be faced, including an analysis of the progress of the projects and strategies for their completion on schedule, a discussion on how to capitalise on the human resources involved and the skills acquired along the way, and finally an exploration of ways to make the ecosystems created sustainable and long-lasting, ensuring continuity and future development.

Notable participants at the event included Vittorio Biondi, Director General of MUSA (Multicenter for the Development of Advanced Skills). His presence added an important dimension to the discussion, thanks to his experience and strategic vision. Biondi emphasised the importance of synergetic collaboration between the various ecosystem actors in order to achieve the goals set by the NRP. He also presented some of the successes already achieved and outlined future strategies to address emerging challenges.