The event will take place on Monday, September 16, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM, at the Academy FrancoAngeli Bicocca.

MUSA Spoke 3 announces the third meeting in the “Entrepreneurs’ Café” series, focusing on a crucial topic for the entrepreneurial and academic world: the enhancement of innovation through intellectual property and patenting.

The event will take place on Monday, September 16, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM, at the Academy FrancoAngeli Bicocca, located at Viale dell’Innovazione 11, Milan, in the picturesque setting of the sunken square in front of the Teatro degli Arcimboldi.

The session, which will last approximately an hour and a half, is designed to encourage reflection and discussion on one of the most delicate aspects of innovation: the protection of ideas.

Intellectual property and patents are essential tools for safeguarding inventions from infringement and maximizing the commercial value of innovations, turning them into valuable assets for the success of businesses and researchers.

As previously mentioned, this event is part of the Entrepreneurs’ Café series, interactive and networking meetings created to share knowledge, promote peer learning, and stimulate the creation of a community of good practices. Each session is led by industry experts and focuses on topics relevant to MUSA, such as entrepreneurship, innovation, technology transfer, sustainability, and urban regeneration.

During the September 16th meeting, participants will have the opportunity to delve into the complex legislative landscape surrounding intellectual property and patents, thanks to presentations by two distinguished speakers:

  • Avv. Mariacristina Rapisardi, Italian and European trademark and patent attorney and cassation lawyer at Rapisardi Intellectual Property, who will provide an overview of the latest legislative developments and the legal protection of innovations.
  • Prof. Francesco Meinardi, CTO and Founder of Glass to Power, a spin-off from the University of Milan Bicocca, and Full Professor of Experimental Physics of Matter, who will share his practical experience of turning an innovative idea into a successful entrepreneurial venture.

At the end of the session, there will be a networking coffee, an informal moment to encourage the exchange of experiences and the creation of new synergies among participants.

The meeting is open to a wide audience: PhD students, spin-off entrepreneurs, university students interested in innovation, and anyone looking to start or deepen their journey in academic entrepreneurship.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required at the following link: LINK.