A Collaborative Initiative by MUSA and Local Schools Aims to Tackle Educational Inequalities and Enhance Social Impact.

In an effort to stem the tide of school dropouts, the “Contrast and Prevention of School Dropout in the San Siro District” project has been launched, spearheaded by the Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action (MUSA) organization. Teaming up with local educational institutions such as Cadorna Comprehensive Institute and Calasanzio Comprehensive Institute, the project aims to make a difference in Milan’s San Siro neighborhood.

With over 2000 students across five campuses, this initiative marks a significant step towards addressing educational disparities and fostering a renewed sense of social responsibility through innovative strategies.

The project is tackling the issue from two angles: proposing concrete solutions to combat inequalities and enhancing the social impact of Milan’s educational landscape.

Through educational programs, outreach efforts, and communication campaigns, the project aims to extend the benefits of research and innovation to the wider community, with a particular focus on vulnerable populations.

The collaboration between MUSA and the Cadorna and Calasanzio institutes is formalized through a biennial agreement, set to run from September 2023 to August 2025. This partnership, guided by Professor Luisa Zecca and coordinated by Dr. Claudia Fredella from the University of Milano-Bicocca, aims to promote inclusive educational strategies and socio-educational actions.

Activities planned under the project include teacher training, classroom support, and collaboration with existing socio-educational initiatives. The involvement of university students as interns and thesis researchers brings fresh perspectives and energy to the campuses.

This initiative, in partnership with the Municipality of Milan’s Education Directorate and third-sector networks QuBì and DOREMI, exemplifies how collaboration between public and private entities can drive positive change in a community’s social and educational fabric.