Students and professionals will compete to present disruptive ideas in a global pitch contest

The Bicocca University of Milan is preparing to host for the sixth consecutive year the Falling Walls lab Italy 2024, a global interdisciplinary pitch competition for students, PhD students and early-career professionals to present their project in front of an international jury.

“What will be the next walls to fall?” is the question participants will have to answer with their proposals destined to make their mark, students, scientists and professionals at the start of their careers. The theme is to present their disruptive ideas for solving the most pressing global problems. Participants will have great visibility in front of an audience of experts, while the winner of the Italian competition will be able to attend the Berlin conference in a week full of meetings, activities and workshops with researchers and start-ups from all over the world.

This competition allows you to test your communication skills with an international audience, to confront yourself with people from all over the world and with very different backgrounds, thus enriching your cultural and professional background. You will have 3 minutes to present your project and define which walls you want to break down.

The appointment is therefore for 30 May at the Bicocca University in Milan, Viale dell’Innovazione 3, starting at 18:00. To attend, it is necessary to register via the Eventbride platform at this link. l after the event there will be a DJ set (to be announced) with free drinks.

The event sees the partnership with USA scarl, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università Bocconi, Università degli studi di Bergamo, Università degli Studi di Pavia, PoliHub, Politecnico di Bari, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Università Cattolica di Milano, Social Innovation Teams, BiM, Netval, Fondazione University for Innovation and the Italian Embassy in Berlin and with the sponsorship of Lift and MITO Technology.