Revolutionizing energy storage with second-life batteries. An interview with Igor Zanasi, business engineer and sales manager at Highverter.

12Highverter is one of the innovative startups featured in the National Innovation Prize 2023, which MUSA had the pleasure of co-organizing with PNICube and the Lombardy Region.

This Emilia-Romagna-based startup is revolutionizing the energy storage sector with a low-voltage modular system that utilizes second-life batteries from electric cars. This solution not only reduces initial investment costs through a leasing model but also transforms energy storage into a service accessible to many.

In an interview with Igor Zanasi, business engineer and sales manager at Highverter, conducted by the scientific publication, it emerges how their proprietary technology is designed to parallel-connect batteries, extending their lifespan and enhancing the safety of the entire storage system. One of the advantages of Highverter is its compatibility with currently available inverters on the market, enabling integration with existing photovoltaic systems, both in residential and commercial settings.

The leasing service offered by Highverter goes beyond just supplying the storage system; it also includes a range of additional services that enhance the end-user experience and efficiency. Among these, remote diagnostics optimize energy consumption, while both predictive and extraordinary maintenance ensure the longevity and reliability of the system. Moreover, Highverter handles the management and disposal of end-of-life batteries, underscoring their commitment to environmental sustainability.