Exploring the Conference "People, Rights and Artificial Intelligence" organised by the Human Hall Observatory of the University of Milan

How important is the influence of artificial intelligence systems on the protection of fundamental human rights? This is the focus of the conference ‘People, Rights and Artificial Intelligence‘ organised by the Human Hall Observatory of the University of Milan as part of the Musa project.

The focus of this seminar will be on the crucial impact of artificial intelligence systems on the protection of fundamental human rights and, in particular, on recent European legislation, which marks an important step towards the adoption of uniform legal rules in the 27 EU Member States.

Speakers at the event will include Francisco Balaguer Callejón, a renowned Spanish constitutionalist professor and one of the most important international scholars on European constitutional law, author of many important works, including ‘La Constitución del Algolgico’, Professor Adoración Galera Victoria, Professor Augusto Aguilar Calahorro, Professor Costanza Nardocci and Dr. Paolo Gambatesa. The conference will be moderated by Marilisa D’Amico, Professor of Constitutional Law and pro-rector with responsibility for Legality, Transparency and Equal Rights at the University of Milan.

Human Hall is a hub for innovation and social inclusion within which perogatives on all types of discrimination are contained and studied, as Professor D’Amico explains. The aim is to transform our discriminations into concrete actions so that a different vision of society and future development for society can emerge from them.

The event will be held on 23 April at 10.30 a.m. in the Aula Seminari Valerio Onida of the Università Statale di Milano, but it will also be possible to follow it via the MS Teams platform at this Link.