City of Milan to Showcase Strategies for Sustainable Fashion, Textiles, Furniture, and Consumer Goods, Featuring Innovative Impact Measurement System Developed in Collaboration with Centrinno Project

Milan is preparing to host the second edition of “Milano Circolare,” scheduled for Feb. 29, 2024 in the “BASE” event space (Via Bergognone, 34). During the event The City of Milan will present an action plan for the circular economy in the fashion, textile, furniture and consumer goods sectors.

The Plan was developed as part of the European research project “Centrinno” through comparison with other participating cities, including Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Geneva. Over the past year, the plan has been discussed with experts, associations and businesses that have participated in the project’s activities.

One of the qualifying aspects of the Plan is a system for measuring the impacts generated by the repair, recovery, and reuse activities of products and waste in the city.

The measurement system is the result of a collaboration between the City of Milan and MUSA – Spoke 5, thanks to the work of research teams from Bocconi University and Milan Polytechnic.

The event will not only be an opportunity to reflect on circular business strategies and models, but also a moment of growth for a community that sees sustainability not only as a goal but as a real philosophy of life. The event, open to all upon registration on the official website, is an interesting opportunity for citizens, businesses and institutions to actively contribute to the vision of an increasingly sustainable and inclusive Milan.