A year of MUSA, with projects and results, as recounted by the President and Rector of the University of Milano-Bicocca, Giovanna Iannantuoni, who emphasizes:

“MUSA – Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action is a project under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) on urban sustainability that aims to translate the idea of building the city of the future through a concept of sustainability that spans from healthcare to urban regeneration, from data management to public transportation, all the way to sustainable finance and social inclusion.” Iannantuoni highlights that a key pillar of the project is the nearly 200 young researchers – more than half of whom are women – engaged in the challenge. “Biologists, engineers, economists, philosophers, statisticians, and many professionals who need to speak different languages about common things. The goal of MUSA is, in fact,” the President concludes, “to create synergies and scientific and cultural cross-pollination.”