Building a Collective Portrait of Urban Sustainability through Digital Stories and Participatory Experiences.

The Open-Air Lab research group has issued a call to action, addressed to all those who believe in the sustainable future of cities.

The initiative proposes a unique participatory experience aimed at building a collective map of territories and ideas related to urban sustainability through the collection of engaging digital stories.

Participation is open to anyone wishing to share their experiences through images, videos, audio, notes, or texts. To do so, simply fill out the form available at the following link and follow some straightforward instructions.

Where: Choose a significant outdoor location for you that represents your idea of a sustainable city, whether it be a workplace, study area, meeting place with others, or a leisure spot.

Why: Explain the reason for your choice, sharing your perspective on urban sustainability.

What: Clearly indicate the chosen location so that it can be easily mapped and shared.

How: Adopt one or more points of view through which to observe the selected location, offering a unique perspective.

With What: Select a digital channel through which to narrate your location, whether it be images, videos, or other media.

Starting in May, all collected materials will be shared on a dedicated Padlet, allowing each participant to contribute to the creation of a collective portrait of a sustainable city.

During the scheduled Open Air Lab events, some of these stories will be presented, providing a unique opportunity to share ideas and mutually inspire one another. To stay updated on all news, you can follow Open Air Lab Musa on Facebook and Instagram.