A unique experience of scientific dissemination and artistic expression that transforms the Aula Magna of Milan's Bicocca University into a stage for knowledge and creativity

Music as a tool for popularising science aimed at students. This is the aim of ‘The Science Concert – Quantum Edition’, an innovative initiative to promote knowledge among students through music. Its interdisciplinary nature is expressed through a show that embraces a broad spectrum of musical genres, ranging from the classics of Beethoven to the energetic melodies of AC/DC and the punchy rhythms of Nirvana, and much more.

This show, an integral part of the Musa – Spoke 6 project ‘A new look over the sky of Milan’, will take place in the imposing setting of the Aula Magna of the Bicocca University of Milan on 28 May, with an initial session dedicated to school students from 9 am. Afterwards, at 5.30 p.m., it will be open to the public, offering all those interested the opportunity to participate. In addition to musical performances, the day will include a special talk by Bicocca Rector Giovanna Iannantuoni, further enriching the experience with academic insights and perspectives.

The event “The Science Concert – Quantum Edition” is of significant importance in the context of science popularisation, as it uses music as a powerful tool to engage and educate the public on complex science concepts in an accessible and engaging way. Through the fusion of different musical genres, the concert offers a unique bridge between art and science, transforming abstract concepts into tangible sensory experiences.

Music has the power to communicate emotions and concepts in a universal way, making it an ideal vehicle to convey scientific ideas in an effective and memorable way. Using music ranging from timeless classics to contemporary hits, the concert draws on a diverse repertoire that can capture the attention of a wide audience, from young people to adults.