There is great anticipation for the "poster session," a new feature of the third edition of the MUSA General Meeting. This session will be set up in the foyer of the Aula Magna at Bocconi University, which will host the conference event.

On May 15, 2024, the Third General Meeting of MUSA will take place in the Aula Magna of Bocconi University in Milan. This event gathers the community of the hub to stimulate active discussions among its key figures and to present the initial results of the research journey.

Over 100 research projects will be showcased during the poster session set up in the foyer of the Aula Magna.

The day, moderated by Daniele Chieffi, Head of Communications at MUSA, will start at 9:30 AM with opening remarks from Giovanna Iannantuoni, President of MUSA, and Francesco Candeloro Billari, Rector of Bocconi University.

The first session, dedicated to presenting activities, will take place from 10:00 to 11:15 AM and will feature Spokes 4, 5, and 6 represented by Andrea Beltratti from Bocconi University, Margherita Pero from Politecnico di Milano, and Marilisa D’Amico from the University of Milan. Two researchers from each Spoke will speak about their research projects.

After a short break from 11:15 to 11:30 AM, the eagerly awaited second session will feature researchers who, from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM, will present their research projects summarized in posters prepared for the occasion and answer any questions.

The third and final session will start at 2 PM, after the lunch break, and will include the awarding of posters that have captured the attention of the Scientific Committee of the Project.

After the awards ceremony, the concluding remarks will feature Fabrizio Cobis from the General Directorate for Research, Ministry of University and Research; Rafael Luque, scientific reviewer of MUSA; Gianna Martinengo, President of the Scientific Committee of MUSA; and Salvatore Torrisi, scientific coordinator of MUSA.

For organizational reasons, it is necessary to register for the event by filling out the online registration form.