The 15 May Event at Bocconi University: presentations, posters and evaluations

On 15 May, Bocconi University is preparing to host the Third General Meeting of MUSA, a major event that will bring together the entire scientific community. This meeting is of particular significance as it marks a point of verification for the project. For the occasion, we interviewed Professor Salvatore Torrisi, Musa’s Scientific Coordinator.

Professor Torrisi, the time has come to take stock of the Musa project
Exactly. We are now more than halfway through and it is therefore important to take stock of the activities. We are talking about investments of more than EUR 110 million with six spoke addressing different topics, although they are connected by a single thread and intertwining issues, from technological innovation to the ‘green transition’. Obviously, the various activities are also progressing at different speeds due to their different nature; they are different dimensions of the same ecosystem. It is therefore time to check what has been done and discuss it with other researchers.

The appointment is for 15 May, when all participants will meet to present the various Musa projects.
In the first part of the day’s plenary session there will be six presentations by young researchers working on three different spoke. These researchers will tell all participants what has been achieved so far, through what stages, and what the next steps will be. We are giving the younger researchers, recruited for the Musa project, the opportunity to share their first-hand experience and explain their vision of the problems they are facing.

And then we have the Poster Session.
Yes. In the second part of the day there will be this Poster Session lasting about 2 hours with 155 projects divided between the various spoke. We have classified the projects received into the six key areas of the NextGenerationEU, so as to overcome the differences between spokes and move towards a unified logic, in line with the priority objectives of the NextGenerationEU and innovation ecosystems. In this way, we will help participants, those who will read the posters and interact with the researchers presenting them, to take a journey within a space in which they can easily find their way through the stages represented by the key areas of the NextGenerationEU.

So what is the date?
The plenary session will take place in the Aula Magna of Bocconi University while the posters will be hosted in the adjacent foyer. Among the visitors will be the members of Musa’s scientific committee who have agreed to evaluate the posters and nominate the winner of each of the six key-areas.