An entrepreneurial and cultural adventure uniting the creative minds of several Milanese universities. Supported by Franco Guidi and with main sponsors Lombardini22 and BuildVision, in seeking innovative solutions for metropolitan life on a limited budget

A challenge dedicated to the best students from the Milanese universities of Politecnico, Bocconi, Bicocca, Statale and Cattolica: is it possible to live in a large Italian city on a budget of 10 euros a day? That is, trying to imagine and develop a business idea in which resident satisfaction and restoring balance in the real estate market are central, with the ultimate goal of social balance.

The challenge saw the students embark on an entrepreneurial challenge, joining forces with a multicultural team from the best universities in Milan, with diverse backgrounds, to put themselves to the test and come up with new business ideas. The challenge is completely free for all students and no cost or selection process is required.

The event was launched by Franco Guidi and supported by the main sponsors Lombardini22 and BuildVision, and saw the students of Entrepreneurship Club Polimi and E-Club || Bocconi Entrepreneurship Club, together with Entrepreneurship Club Cattolica, Entrepreneurship Club STATALE and E-Club Ventures, have the opportunity to attend workshops and seminars to develop innovative ideas and to test themselves as young entrepreneurs to find out-of-the-box solutions.

The challenge took place on 19 and 20 April, but the most important appointment is on 4 May in the Aula Franceschini of Bocconi University where the projects will be presented and where teams will have 3/5 min to deliver their pitch and 5 min to respond. At the end of the day the winning teams of the challenge will be announced.