Experts discuss the opportunities offered by blockchain for business networks and the challenges to make it a viable alternative to centralised organisations

The sustainability and financing of business networks can find an ally in distributed ledger technologies (DLT), such as blockchain. This will be the central theme of a workshop entitled ‘The decentralisation of business activity: technological, legal and financial aspects’ to be held at Bocconi University on 16 and 17 May, where a panel of experts will explore the opportunities and challenges of decentralised organisation of business activity.

The workshop will host experts from various fields to discuss the economic and financial rationale behind business networks, as well as the technological, financial and regulatory issues that need to be overcome to improve their competitiveness. The aim is to make these networks a credible alternative to centralised organisations by exploiting the advantages offered by decentralisation.

During the meeting, an innovative proposal developed within the PNRR – Musa project will be presented. This project designed a specific network contract to legally regulate the services offered by a ‘Decentralised Autonomous Organisation’ (DAO) managed via blockchain. The DAO represents an advanced form of organisation that operates autonomously and decentralised, leveraging smart contracts and the transparency offered by blockchain technology to improve trust and efficiency in business operations.

The two-day event will be moderated by Giuseppe Corvino, professor of Economics of Financial Intermediaries, by Laura Zanetti, professor of Corporate Finance at Bocconi University, and by Filippo Cucuccio, director general of ANSPC. In addition to the greetings of Gimede Gigante, ICE SDA Bocconi Director, and Claudio Tebaldi, Fintech Lab Director, speeches will be given by Professors Claudio Tebaldi, Fabio Sorrentino, Francesco Paolo Patti, Ruben Fernandez Fuertes, Massimo Morini, Giovanni Meruzzi, Domenico Siclar, Francesca Bianconi and Costanza Morato.