Workshop on an innovative tool for user-friendly and multi-user design of architectural physical environments kicks off

It will be presented on 4 June at 9.00 am at the Politecnico di Milano the Workshop entitled entitled: ‘The future of interdisciplinary urban design: the luminous table’, organised as part of the MUSA project. The luminous table is an innovative project conceived by the Politecnico di Milano and developed together with the University of Milan, capable of carrying out a more inclusive urban design oriented to the well-being of citizens.

The Light Table or LPT enables the simulation of physical architectural environments by overcoming the barriers of the digital divide in design. Its user-friendly, multi-user platform allows professionals and stakeholders to interact directly with simulated three-dimensional environments, testing the effects of architectural and environmental changes in real time. Features include shading, visual perception of spaces, and atmospheric and temperature variations. In short, a phygital platform that combines physical and digital models to support the processes of design, evaluation and understanding of urban transformations.

Speakers at the workshop will be Professor Barbara Piga of the Milan Polytechnic, Professor Marco Boffi of the University of Milan and Professor Antonia Bruno of the University of Milan Bicocca, who will illustrate the potential of this tool through a practical demonstration of the use of the Light Table and the augmented and virtual reality ‘City Sense’ App.

To participate in the event, you must register via this form.