Cybersecurity in Lombard Municipalities: State of the Art and Perspectives

Cybersecurity in Lombard Municipalities: State of the Art and Perspectives

06 February 2024
Innovation and technology transfer at the heart of the first

Innovation and technology transfer at the heart of the first "Entrepreneurs’ Café". Save the date in Milan on February 28, 2024

05 February 2024
Renewable energies at the forefront of the green transition

Renewable energies at the forefront of the green transition

25 January 2024
Walking in the city, MUSA's focus groups aim to make the Bicocca district more livable

Walking in the city, MUSA's focus groups aim to make the Bicocca district more livable

24 January 2024
Italy: 50 million € EIB loan to make Como’s water service more resilient and efficient

Italy: 50 million € EIB loan to make Como’s water service more resilient and efficient

12 December 2023
ENEA tests smart building that reduces energy use and bills

ENEA tests smart building that reduces energy use and bills

12 December 2023
Health, Enea: hi-tech bracelets to protect the skin from UV radiation

Health, Enea: hi-tech bracelets to protect the skin from UV radiation

12 December 2023
Sustainable Fashion: 53% of EU Platforms Are in Italy, with 35% Holding High Relevance for Milano

Sustainable Fashion: 53% of EU Platforms Are in Italy, with 35% Holding High Relevance for Milano

17 October 2023
Obiettivo Effe, Bicocca Initiative for Female Empowerment Towards a Fairer Future

Obiettivo Effe, Bicocca Initiative for Female Empowerment Towards a Fairer Future

17 October 2023
From Photovoltaics to Agrivoltaics, a Network for the Development of Renewable Energy

From Photovoltaics to Agrivoltaics, a Network for the Development of Renewable Energy

13 October 2023
Finaziato dall'Unione Europea Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani Musa
Mission 4 Component 2 Investment Line 1.5